Monday, 28 January 2008

crossing over the border...

haha. i'm officially 20yrs + 1day old. holy.... hahaha! how do i feel?? nth much special but juz a lil' different than my usual "teens' bdays". i've rch the 2 digit, came like so sooner than i expected. hahaha.. luckily i can still get my student meals. hahaha, still a student nonetheless.

today went out wif jx -him. hahaha.. went to cine for kbox session and movie. long time nvr sing le.. but was cool man! hahaha.. got 1 part i sing too over, too much for my voice to handle.. sudd got tears. choking. LOL!! over le over le. den cut cake der.
after tt went to watch 27 Dresses. YESH! tis is MUCH MORE FREAKIN BTTR than tt Cloverfield shit. lol. wun get sue for insulting it rite? hahha.. great for a "juz-wanna-watch-and-nua nua" kinda show. there r sum funi parts, get rdy to luff out loud~ haha mebbe not tt loud.
saw the trailer for Harold n Kumar latest movie, damn funi!!! gna watch it! this show sure luff out loud! tink it'll be great for a "kick-away-the-monday-blues" show. wahhaha.. all my personal ratings k? =D

received flowers and 19 other small gifts from him. SO SO SWEET!!!!!!! thx u thx u thx u!!! tis is the 1st tym i've eva received such gifts. another great memories added~ hahaha.. thx again dear. =]

welfare bonding day cumin.. den cny cumin!!!! fri gna go shop shop wif bernice. hopefully can get ultra gd buys! like $15 for a dress. LOL. will der be?!?!?!?!?!?? if any1 noes of any gd buys, pls tell me!!!!!!!!!! hahha..

life is gd... life is so gd...

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