the most awkward one squatting: Tengyong. haha..
after sch, went to cityhall to meet jx. haha.. alot... ALOT ALOT OF PPL!!!!! mostly couples. hahaha.. went to marina sq, cafe cartel for dinner. was kinda pissed when i gotta out outdoors, tink muz be the hunger + moodswing + feeling abit under the weather. after a hot bowl of soup and bread.. i'm all well!!! wahhaha.. foodddieeeeeeeeeeee!!
after dinner, went to c c the River Hong Bao @ Esplanade Park. haha.. pics r below~
haha.. c c~~ tt was my vday gift! haha.. bouquet of 3 roses +some other flowers.. + 2 bearbears! haha.. below is the roses koper! j/k!! haha.. wanna claim his glory of buying this bouquet.
trying to show off our octopus mouth~ haha.. i gotta suck in lotsa chunks of my cheeks... x.x chubby................. hahaha.
haha.. dunno y both of our heads "wai yi bian".. we r outside CHEN FU! haha..
nth much to take after tt. i so wanted to go to Max Brenners' @ esplanade mall. so we went! haha.. order their Suckao~ (Price: $6.90 + GST + Service Charge = $8.10)
choice of Dark/Milk/White Chocolate. no re-filling i guess.. haha..
something like fondue kinda, haha.. that empty dish was initially filled with milk choco bits. so u gotta add it into tt metal "bowl" n stir stir stir with tt metal straw cum spoon. of coz adding milk into it, if not it's gna be ULTRA ULTRA thick.. guarantee a soar throat after tt. hahaha.. after all have been added, it's time.. for the....
SUCKING~~~~~~.. xi ah xi~ xi xi xi~~
P.S: pls be warned that the choco is really hot. (dun xiao kan the lil' flame) do not be too excited to suck it up, ur tongue will suffer. really...
ahhhhh~~ yummmm~~ the goodness + sinfulness of choco... NICE! haha..
after tt, hui jia le~~~~ the end.
TODAY!! is the eRevision bking day. fastest fingers win! ter invited us over to his place for a mahjong crazy session. hahhaha.. all hunger for the washing of tiles.. haha..
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