Thursday, 13 March 2008

oh dango! oh horton! oh whosville!!

yest went to make my dango!!! -> sumthing like tang yuan. haha.. initially wanted to juz make half a packet, den i realized i've added too much water so it cudn't becum a dough, hence added the whole packet. -.- hahaha.. in addition, i put abit of the redbean paste too! yummmm.. turned out quite well!! yeah yeah!!! debbie noe how to make dango!!! tang yuan!!!!

TADAHHHH!!!! like TA DAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! hahaha... the lil' purple ones, i made them by mixing the dough wif the red bean paste. hahhaa.. not fishballs oh~ is dango! DANGO!!!!

haha.. after tt, went amk hub to meet jx. hello jx~ hahaha.. =x went to watch Horton hears a who! so cute and funny. but it's certainly a family show, saw alot of kiddos and ah ma and ah gongs. haha.. den when the elephant came out - Horton. one kid shouted, ELEPHANT! yeah, clever. was praying he wun keep shouting out all the animals, or else it'll irate me. heng, he didn't. gd boi. hahhaa.. nice show to watch, got morale and teach us to bury the hatchet. mebbe it'll worth ur $6. watch it on WKDAYS be4 5pm oh~ $6 per tix - student fare. hahaha..

we went to the arcade and play the kiap kiap game. haha, i didn't kiap the voodoo keychain on the 1st try, onli kiap dao 1 strand of the hula skirt~ haha.. so jx played again, and he kiap dao! wheeeeeeee.. i made a significant contribution k.. tt's y easier to kiap. =xx j/k!

haha.. went to Ah Mei to eat nasi bryani and "cheese and sausage roti prate" and a Ah Mei ice milk tea! whoooo.. yummy!!! realli nice. shud go and try. but seats r realli hard to get, so muz haf an eagle eye! mebbe talons as well.. j/k! haha.. but kinda ironic rite.. Ah Mei, supposedly to sell like toasts, those traditional chi food... in the end, got a mixture of malay and indian food. haha.. tink onli at amk hub den got. so shud try k?!?!?!? ORDER it or REGRET! hahaha =D

walk walk abit, den i headed back to cwp's jack place. met up wif my sec sch peepz. haha. celebrating adg's post pop. hahaha.. CONGRATS ADG!!! u've endured thru' all the and is 1/8 of becoming a true man!!! =x after tt, we went to ter house. guys played ps3, while the gers (siew, wanting n me) were all praying full attn to siew as she taught wanting how to put on fake lashes and us to do smoky eyes.. hahahha.. make-up lessons~ hahaha. after tt, went back le.

today, i'm gna try the d.i.y dye! hahaha.. bought 2 yest. Raspberry Natural, lcidol de. haha.. hopefully can c the effect. if not, i'll be sad. cost onli $9.55 (initially cost bout $11.50 i tink, but Watsons' got 15% discount!) keke.. on all other hair dyes too. so can go check it out. =]]

btw, i'll added the imeem songs' playlist and the linkies thingy. haha.. almost all the songs r by JUDY AND MARY. MY ALL-TYM FAV!!!! they a jpop band. so if u dun realli like it, can either pause it or listen to the only eng song i've placed - Hot by Avril lavinge. hahhaa.. do try to listen to J.A.M, they's great! so cute her voice~ haha

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