sosososo funny! sososo cute!!! and lotsa eye candies.... =D~~ jap boys~~~ hahaha. =x
gers.. prepare ur eyes!!! TA DAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
*all tgt now! scream~*

GUYS!!!!!!! ALL GUYS!!! xcept 1.. but 1 male lead is missing. *Drools....*

der he is! hahaha.. Toma Ikuta. whee wheeee..
how i wish my high school/jc life was like theirs. haha.. lotsa events, doing stupid stuffs and activities.. really creates wonderful memories. haha.. definitely recommended!!!
tink scv gna show it soon! only 12episodes. as usual... i CHIONG!!! from last nite till 8am tis mornin! wahahha~ wat a well-spent holiday. =]]]]
juz came back from a jog. miracle eh... i exercise... like finally. hahaha.. not bad not bad, realli like the feeling of wind brushing across the face. blasting my mp3. very shiok. wat shud i do next...
btw, i got an admin job @great eastern, startin from 2june till end of aug. can meet up for lunch if any1 of u guys working near der yeap!! hahaha.. money money moneyyyy~
i lurve holidays.... ~ wuuhaaa!!
p.s: ber cheer up bah! things will work out de! =]
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