Saturday, 19 July 2008

FOC 2008!!

SIM-UOL FOC 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

memorable 4days3nites. 3days2nites wif the freshies. @ aloha loyang.
hahaha. words cannot describe the fun, joy we had. azan and i were the ogl of OG8 ( Morpheus - GOd of Dreams)

initially, the OG was abit divided b/w guys n gers. but as time passed, og bond got much more bttr. and things got much more FUN! haha.. those indian poker late nites, ..jokes, thon-ing, running arnd b/w diff terraces & bungalow, orderin McDonald for supper, playin pepsi
"tola", og tryin to make us wet, etc etc..

OG 8 - MORPHEUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

part of OG8! haha

very happy&proud to say tt... OG8 won the BEST OG of FOC 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wahahaha~ morpheus morpheus all the way!! =]]

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