Saturday, 27 December 2008

on a very side note...

since i had nth to do today, i've decided to login to our student portal. been ages since i've last did tt. lotsa stuffs uncheck but who cares. not tt interested in it, xcept for 1: WHO WANNA VOLUNTEER FOR SYOG?! (singapore youth olympic games) on 10jan?
haha. tell me k?! we go tgt~

right on a more serious tone, they also put up a tentative exam tymtable. brace urself! mebbe juz me... i got shitty slots. SIGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry ber, wo hai le ni.... we mug hard tgt for ibm k! haha

for mine:

MACRO: 13may (wed) 10am-1.15pm
FI: 20may (wed) 10am - 1pm
IBM: 21may (thurs) 10am - 1pm
CF: 21may (thurs) 2.30pm - 5.30pm

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! breathe~

for the rest:

ME: 14may (thurs) 10am - 1pm
ELC: 22may (fri) 10am - 1.15pm
FR: 27may (wed) 2.30pm - 5.45pm

tell me whyyyy~ aiz. on the brighter note, i end my papers on 21may! woo~ HOLIDAYS LAI HOLIDAYS!!!! BOOK ME! =P haha. and also UOL rev classes will commence on 14march. yeapyeap, fear not~ no more amosssssss. kekeke.

okie. that's just a wake up call after the new yr. as of now.....
Countdown to 2009: 4 more DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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