*looks back to my last entry* WOAH! been so long! my prelims were LONGGGGGG over! no comments for my prelims paper, i went for all 4. wrote at least 8pages of crap for each module. scripts are not marked yet, results to be announced soon. LOL.
sorry for my super late belated-blog-bday-msg to my dearest ching!!!! HAPPPPY 21st!!!!!!!!!!!! *welcomed u to club21 with open arms* great to have u onboard! hahaha. bday ger was bz, but happy of coz! food was really nice! =] this is for you~ *ur face on my esteemed blog =PP*

of coz, our EOP was a great success!!!!! tink $10KTV aint bad, value for $$, really can sing till there's no more songs left, it can even be turned into a mini "clubbing" room (by just blasting those lady gaga, flo rida, PCD's songs) feel the tempo~ feel the tempo~ haha.
EOP feels so gd~ but not for long. tink im still in semi-holiday mood. revision classes - my lonely period has begun.. arnd a mth away from my examz! haha. had my first uol rev class - macro. luckily first day, desmond came to crash. 2nd day saw my macro fren. you peng you zhen hao! didnt hafta eat lunch alone. haha. as usual... y do uol lecturers teach so much chimchim stuffs. toooo deep~~~~
did my own study tymtable, didnt adhere to it for the past few days. kinda crappy. realized i cudnt do 2mods revison a day. cant stop it halfway. wanted to make ibm like my bedtym reading, but writing my FI notes and revising macro prove to be a chore. aiz... let's all jiayou jiayou!
a few days ago i went for the crystal jade steamboat buffet with yongping. =P i've starved myself for the whole day just for this buffet. was quite gd, just that we've ordered too much ordinary steamboat ingredients. like 4-5types of mushrooms, all the tofu stuffs, etc etc. dun order their beef!!!! lotsa fats. took like 3mins to just tear off the fat, and juz 3secs to eat the meat. =/ i wanna have more xlb.. but my stomach is at its full capacity. SIGH~ their gui hua jelly is niceeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! red bean jelly aint bad. haha. the dinner was great, food and company was gd. haha. the next time, i'll juz chiong their pork, some mushrooms, abit of nian gao~, lotsa XLBs!!!!!!!! haha.
someone pls knock me. softly... i needa wake up! time to really gear up. n i juz found my incentive of doing so... cant wait for our HK trip!!!! psst ber, we needa do a gers-checklist and practice our cantonese and eye power *to aim for gd deals and act fierce to bargain* haha.
to lao chen&xueling&desmond: next time we can go for a short trip! mebbe to jb? batam? lao chen&xueling, enjoy ur bangkok trip oso, rmb cannot anyhow touch those ren yao (must pay $$ to touch and take pic). haha
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