Sunday, 24 February 2008


1 paper down! 4 more to go! econs sure is going down... wayyyyyyyyy down. i mean my marks. hahaha.. when i got to sch, they said the grand hall has no more seats, so we needa go LT. -.- but it's still cool, at least bernice, christina n caiqi were wif me. we sat tgt. haha..

remarks bout econs paper: shiok ah! after this paper, i kan kai le~ everything is alrite~ juz take it like a breeze... juz prelims. x.x x.x.x.x.x..x.x *inside my head: noooooooooooooo... kn...s....* hahhaha..

after paper, went back to cwp & bought tix for " L Change the world". once again.. 1tix = $10. freaking market... -.- lotsaaaa sec sch peepz. met waisheng n his gf, were juz standing behind us. haha.. the show is as gd as Death Note (w/o Kira n Watari). but wif 2 new characters, the geniuses~ haha.. very cute n comical at sum parts. had a gd luff. nice show to watch! haha..

L still looks scary.. like watching ju-no.. hahaha.. but he's cute, n his amazing SUPER SUPER sweet tooth.

today too tired n lazy to start my maths revision le. tink tml den start bah... engine gogogogooooooooooooooo!!

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