Friday, 29 February 2008
I GOT INTO 98.7FM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ohohoho... was hl-ing to my mum, let her listen to my voice on air~ hahaha..
yeah! yeah! *twist twist twist twist*
next up... to win 4D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wahahaha...
to hell wif prelims. =x certainly a great mood booster, pbf was killing me. called me kua zhang, but still am very high up on cloud nine now.
yeah... back to pbf... oh yeah... "market risk - results from assets held for trading (ST)............. *snores*
Wednesday, 27 February 2008
oh my... chicken.
wanted to cook sum chicken.. yeah.. 1st time. so yea.. u can imagine the horrifying kitchen scene. *gulps....* i went to defrost the chicken steak. took out sum hotdog and vege. skinned and slice a potato. chicken needa seasoning rite.. so i look into the cupboard, and saw a bottle of "MA YOU - sesame dark sauce" aha! so i happily pour in into a bowl.. tink i was too happy le, poured too much.......... realli too much. cannot waste! so i added pepper. den dumped my chicken in, and "massage massage it"
heated the pan, pour in sum oil and chopped onions.den dumped the SUPER SUPER DARK chicken, i even tried to squeeze out all the sauce from the chicken before throwing it into the pan. oil was flying in all directions! wahh wahh wahhh but the sound was very fulfilling~ ahhh~~ tt's the sound i heard on cooking shows. shud be gd..
den i saw the oil/sauce oozing out.... more n more.... IT'S GNA DROWN MY POTATO n HOTDOG!!! yeah..
after tt, my lunch: ma you chicken wif hotdogs n semi-cooked potato slices a.k.a The Dark Horror. *no pic is provided as it is realli not appetizing*
in the end, i onli ate the chicken n hotdog.. hahaha..
tt's the daily life of debbie. so exciting huh... hahaha
next up...
haha.. juz prelims, n i'm so high le. cant imagine after the examz in may. tink can juz jet off to sum island liaoz. HEY GUYS, BINTAN RITE?!?! hahaha.. =P we needa set our sentosa thon-ing date as well. make sure everything is clear~ *ahem... da yi ma... ahem...* yeahyeahyeah!
yeah.. so... 3more. hiphiphurrrray! =DD
i lurveeee listening to the "muttons".
Monday, 25 February 2008
been doing past-yr papers. like onli 4-5. hahaha.. i found a new indulgence. to dark choco... wahahha.. although i dun realli like dark choco coz its bitter. but this tym, it taste quite alrite and it kinda perks me up. it got a tinge of sweetness after-taste.
TADAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^ Lindt !!! i'm currently eating the 70% cocoa de. haha.. not too bad. can try! sinful indulgence... x.x
let's see... the benefits of Dark Choco:
- contains ingredients that Lower blood pressure and fight disease
- help control diabetes
- contains antioxidants!!!! *eat more!!! haha..* --> Antioxidants gobble up free radicals, destructive molecules that are implicated in heart disease and other ailments.
- Further research has concluded that these same natural protective compounds in cacao beans, when consumed by humans, help maintain health by protecting cells from the damaging effects of free radicals.
GD HUH?!?! only for dark choco not MILK nor White. SUPPORT DARK! EAT DARK!! hehe..
ok.. back to maths....
Sunday, 24 February 2008
remarks bout econs paper: shiok ah! after this paper, i kan kai le~ everything is alrite~ juz take it like a breeze... juz prelims. x.x x.x.x.x.x..x.x *inside my head: noooooooooooooo... kn...s....* hahhaha..
after paper, went back to cwp & bought tix for " L Change the world". once again.. 1tix = $10. freaking market... -.- lotsaaaa sec sch peepz. met waisheng n his gf, were juz standing behind us. haha.. the show is as gd as Death Note (w/o Kira n Watari). but wif 2 new characters, the geniuses~ haha.. very cute n comical at sum parts. had a gd luff. nice show to watch! haha..
L still looks scary.. like watching ju-no.. hahaha.. but he's cute, n his amazing SUPER SUPER sweet tooth.
today too tired n lazy to start my maths revision le. tink tml den start bah... engine gogogogooooooooooooooo!!
Friday, 22 February 2008
I CAN DO IT! I CAN!!! 34pts to pass!! I CAN!!!!! a sai eh!
*prays... easy qn easy qn...*
went to satisfy my cravings for ice tea with milk from MOS. lurveeee it. in addition to it, were my lovelyyyyy butterfly prawns~ i oso bought 2 chiffon cakes - strawberry cheesecake n double choc flavour. hahahaha.. yummmmy!
just received my courier package (UOL examiners' reports for 2005 -2007). the auntie nearly knocked my front door down man.. her force was equivalent to a hammer! -.- i tot wth 10pm cum n sell ice-cream. hahaha.. went to c Econs de. the examiner report like reprimanding us sia.. felt as those he's insulting our intelligence. for instance, simple qn like blah blah blah which appeared in ALL textbks!! *yesh, he used !! and ALL* yet students couldn't even do.
scary guy.... n he's coming for the revision classes. be prepared or dun go.
Thursday, 21 February 2008
back to sch once again!
felt gd, glad to be wif my uni pals. haha.. the main motivation to go sch! haha.. wheeeeeee.. econs econs...
manfred (my econs lect.) was damn funi man.. he was saying if there's any qns, do PAGE him. PAGER SIA!!! hahah.. n he was like, dial this no... den u muz press **** Home tel ** for private no. hahaha.. cool man. so he's gna call us back after tt??? muz try.... j/k!
jiayou guys!!! it's only prelims rite?!?!?!? =DDD
btw, sg won the bid to host 2010 youth olympics. woooooo.. tourism upupupup!
btw btw, toto any1 won??? haha
it just doesn't end.
i hate going thru' such times.
really thought that once will be more than enuff.. it always had to pick on such times.
everything just fell into pieces once again.
it hurts...... so much.
Wednesday, 20 February 2008
Monday, 18 February 2008
today went to mr.teo house to bai nian, andrea gave me a free ride der and back home. cool eh! hahaha.. trust her driving skills. only 5ppl went.. so... pathetic. hahaha.. outta 38 peepz. woooo.. nvm, our annual event muz take place!! saw mr teo's boiboi&gerger. so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!! lil' zach even told us wat his punishment was, if he keeps whining. "needa go to the 'crying corner' and reflect bout it, den sit on mr teo's lap and the lecture begins.. hahhaa SO SO SO SO SO professional eh.. tink next time, lil' zach mite needa cut newspaper articles.. j/k! haha.. den rch home at bout 4+pm. revise abit.. den i bth le, took a nap.woke up, ooo.. time to go ghit home for steamboat! ahhaha.. eat eat chat chat den went home at bout 11pm.
here i am... AHHH!!!! studying.. AHHH!!! hahaha.. flipped thru' pages of my econs notes.. i'm like wahh sianz, tis chap abit chim.. n same for the next chap n again.. tink the whole bk oso "abit chim".
i needa more brain power...
to all: cheers! to mugging! to caffeine! and to... our bright wondrous future!!!!
Sunday, 17 February 2008
jx bday celebration!

today went to cine to watch Jumper, shiok i realli can haf the full view of the screen, no xtra background lingering. coz i was sittin at the 2nd front row. wooo... sat is realli a bad day to watch movies. the price is another killer too. 1tix = $10. M1 customers are only eligible for 50% on sun. tink they change the rules. tsk tsk.... tupid cathay. =x hahaha.. only noe how to suck our money. noe tt movies are a definite must entertainment for us. x.x
Jumper was not bad. gd looks of hayden christensens is a plus too. for guys: mebbe rachel bilson (or wateva her name is )can be another eye candy. haha.. but its action-packed sia.. all the jumping arnd. wif a white-hair "gorilla" chasing n whacking them wif 1kW of electricity (played by Samuel L Jackson). haha.. not bad not bad!
after tt, we walked form cine to istana park (oppo PS). went to Giraffe restaurant&bar for dinner. we had the indoor seats, was quite cold at the later part. haha.. but ambience was niceeee.. service was good, very frenly.

complimentary bread! haha... the lumpy thingy next to it, i tink was a mixture of herbs, chopped garlic, olive oil. i tink!!! we ordered mango & lime juice as well.
Main Course: MY RIBEYEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -potatoes are stacked below my ribeye. haha. quite nice! the steak taste so gd with the sauce, and it's tender (of coz... i wanted it to be well-done, but it was kinda reddy.. abit of blood.. so.. yeah.). the KNIFE!!! -.- was huge.... like wanna those knife used to hit the durians' shell to hear whether it's ripe. Lol..
Jx ordered Mushimono or sumthing (it's juz N.Z salmon with teriyaki sauce). haha.. he said it was quite nice. the salmon size was just right, enuff to fill his big stomach. haha.. mebbe coz he had sumthing earlier. (see pic below)
TADAH!!!!!!!!!!! the star of the nite! our dessserrtttt!!!!!!!!! SO CUTE RITE??? though abit boliao..sucha BIG plate, but the main thingy is juz the small "bowl" at the bottom left and the scoop of vanilla ice cream at the top right corner. n mebbe 3 slices of strawberry. wahaha.. but veyr cute though. oh yeah yeah! we ordered MOLTEN LAVA!! must try!!! it was warm.. very choco-ty, so so delightful.... (Price: $6.90) haha..
us. we went for the outdoor seats after tt, it was too cold inside. haha.. but outdoors aint bad! quite cooling wif cushions for me to hug on. haha..
haha.. my bday gift for jx. the only time whereby i will buy adidas stuffs... x.x i support nike btw. HAHA.. a SPURS tee and a red bball jersey shorts (with pockets.haha).
tt's all for today. tml going teo papa house n mebbe in the evenin going ghit hme for steamboat. dieeee........ my econs... x.x
Friday, 15 February 2008
vday 2008!
the most awkward one squatting: Tengyong. haha..
after sch, went to cityhall to meet jx. haha.. alot... ALOT ALOT OF PPL!!!!! mostly couples. hahaha.. went to marina sq, cafe cartel for dinner. was kinda pissed when i gotta out outdoors, tink muz be the hunger + moodswing + feeling abit under the weather. after a hot bowl of soup and bread.. i'm all well!!! wahhaha.. foodddieeeeeeeeeeee!!
after dinner, went to c c the River Hong Bao @ Esplanade Park. haha.. pics r below~
haha.. c c~~ tt was my vday gift! haha.. bouquet of 3 roses +some other flowers.. + 2 bearbears! haha.. below is the roses koper! j/k!! haha.. wanna claim his glory of buying this bouquet.
trying to show off our octopus mouth~ haha.. i gotta suck in lotsa chunks of my cheeks... x.x chubby................. hahaha.
haha.. dunno y both of our heads "wai yi bian".. we r outside CHEN FU! haha..
nth much to take after tt. i so wanted to go to Max Brenners' @ esplanade mall. so we went! haha.. order their Suckao~ (Price: $6.90 + GST + Service Charge = $8.10)
choice of Dark/Milk/White Chocolate. no re-filling i guess.. haha..
something like fondue kinda, haha.. that empty dish was initially filled with milk choco bits. so u gotta add it into tt metal "bowl" n stir stir stir with tt metal straw cum spoon. of coz adding milk into it, if not it's gna be ULTRA ULTRA thick.. guarantee a soar throat after tt. hahaha.. after all have been added, it's time.. for the....
SUCKING~~~~~~.. xi ah xi~ xi xi xi~~
P.S: pls be warned that the choco is really hot. (dun xiao kan the lil' flame) do not be too excited to suck it up, ur tongue will suffer. really...
ahhhhh~~ yummmm~~ the goodness + sinfulness of choco... NICE! haha..
after tt, hui jia le~~~~ the end.
TODAY!! is the eRevision bking day. fastest fingers win! ter invited us over to his place for a mahjong crazy session. hahhaha.. all hunger for the washing of tiles.. haha..
Wednesday, 13 February 2008
total change
yest spent the whole day to draw mind map for pbf. didn't noe it'll take sucha long time.. too much stuffs le. juz for 1 chap. imagine all 9chaps for that particular subj. poa aint bttr.. neither does econs.. gwarddddddddd.
been a gd ger yesterday, helped mummy to sweep/mop floor. x.x tink i'm realli not used to doing housework. juz by sweeping, i've alreadi got blisters. ouch. hahaha..
back to maths now... optimisation of functions with two variables...
Monday, 11 February 2008
it's over............
boo booo.. examz sure spoil it all.
for ghit, adg, leoric: gdluck for ur As!!!! pass pass pass pass!! den go into local uni. =]]
for the rest: happy doin tut! LOL.. or mebbe shud start mugging too.. examz r nearing.
chu si was kinda cool, went to 3 diff homes (ghit, binny, ter). had canadian pizza for dinner. haha.. initially wanted to haf Pizza Hut, but the operator said due to overwhelming orders, we hafta go down to collect our pizzas. er... okie..... so wat's the meaning of HOME DELIVERY?! when there is NO home delivery, we hafta actually WALKED to ur pizza hut outlet n WALKED back ??? so tt ends it. canadian pizza go go go!!!! 241-0-241~ had turkey n bbq chicken.. yumm yummm yummmmm!!!
today will be celebrating siew bday, tink tommy wanna smash cake on her.. x.x cake facial alert! cake facial alert! all others pls avoid/evade/siam!!! hahaha..
back to sch again... aiyeeeee.. sianz. haha. oh yea, friday can book for revision classes le! faster fingers win! haha
Friday, 8 February 2008
XIN NIAN HEN KUAI LE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
chu yi, went to my daddy's side - the orchard bungalow.. x.x nvm bout the house space, it's the relatives tt matters... =]]]]]]] wahohooooo~~~ kept on wishing n shaking hands, and of coz.. accpeting ang baos. and the star of the show, my nephew!!! baby oh~ tink 2-3mths onli.. very veyr veyr cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nvr took pic. x.x hahahha..
den after tt, went to jianyi's home (jx's gd bud).. wooo.. gambling den.. realli a gambling den.. u can c kids as young as pri4?? gambling! playing blackjack, their bets aint small either.. scaryy.. got like 3 mahjong tables, 3 tables of blackjack/poker. wahhahaha.. played till arnd 6-7am!!, den went back home.. the profits.. hmmm.. not bad. hehehhe! it's onli chu yi! more to come ya... rite guys?! GUYS?! *look at pri/sec/jc frenz*
took a taxi back, the uncle very cute.. hahaha.. i wanted to take a short nap.. but uncle said heyhey u dun slp mahz, if not later uncle oso wanna slp. LOL! so i hafta force open my super small eyes, tok to him, finally my sweet sweet home~ *slpsssssssssssssss* till now!
TA DAH!!!!!!!!!!! nvr go my mum's side, coz most of my cuzzies not goin, so go der oso sianz. c my aunties play sum card game which i dun understand. i'm at home now..... x.x wrong decision.. at least shud haf gone der, eat their bak kwa. =x hahhaha.. but nvm! it shall not dampen my mood!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TML!!! going alicia home, can getta c gerlin's baby ger~ carry carry throw~ j/k!!! stop at the carry part. ahha another gambling session.. playin wif working adults sumtimes is kinda scary... their bets aint small yea... hopefully their ang bao follows suit. kekekke~
Tuesday, 5 February 2008
my rotten tues
hahaha.. emo emo. haha.. muz be the hormones. haf u heard?! govt said the inflation will be more than 5% this yr. guys, dun save ur ang bao money tis yr, juz spend it away. more worth it! haha.. dunno wat to buy???? juz donate to me! hahaha.. kidding!
read bout Boon Lay Garden Pri, P made the sch's canteen Halal. as in realllllli FULLY Halal! no lunchboxes containg pork is permitted to be consumed'/brought into the canteen. P wanted to canteen to be a common eating space for all races. which means favouring the halal peepz over the non-halal. how's tt for common/non-discriminating?? a poor ger even hafta hid her pork floss bun in her pocket. the bun bian diao le, becum flat bun. imagine how she muz quickly consumed/gobble it down. poor thing..
i rmb in pri/sec, recess/brk was my FAV "period"!!! hahaha.. 30 precious minutes of total freedom from all things boring n dull. though the queuing up for food realli sucks, took up like 5-10mins of my precious time. while sum gers diet.. =.= dun believe it.. how ppl can survive classes up till 2pm w/o food. i'll die.. really faint, collaspe n send to hospital. hahaha.. okok, juz exg. but sure the stomach will be growling like no one's biz. hahaha.. i tink the growling of stomach onli started in JC.. damn those times... esp. in bio lect, where the lt is super quiet. the growling will be heard so clearly.. x.x xia suay.. hahaha.
oh ya, back to tt pri sch. sum parents deemed this rule discriminating to the other races, whereby the P tinks tt it's actually a bttr way for cohesion for all races. yeah rite.. it's more like the other races hafta give in for the halal peepz, which is the mere 20%. denying the other students such rights even in their only free time-zone, is soooooooo unjust. using a higher authority to set such rules, cud it be the P juz wanna be a pioneer for such things? MI had all its stalls be Halal, but no such rules as to deny students bringing halal food. i think the first to rebuke wun be the parents, but students of MI.
now facing such response, i doubt tt this rule will continue.. trying to stop the other 80% from eating pork in sch... u gotta be kidding me.. i luvvvvvvvv char siew rice!!!!!!!!!!!! wif lotsa gravyyy~
Saturday, 2 February 2008
reunion dinner
we had appetizer: papaya, scallop, prawns.
soup - TIS IS THE THING MAN!!: yummmy soup wif lotsaaaa abalone, shark fin, meat. Greatest soup of alllllllll! haha..
the next dish: abalone with uniquely fried tofu and top it off wif veges and delicious sauce.
the main course: pork rib. next: KING SIZED PRAWN! it's realli HUGE!!! the size of... a mango! hahaha.. tgt wif Yee Mee.
lastly dessert: red bean soup wif sago & tang yuan.
was ultra bloated after dinner.. but felt realli xin fu~ food.. glorious foooddddd.. chi new yr is juz so great, wonderful~~
Song of the day: Happy Birthday by The Click Five.=]
wat a friday..
u get wat i mean.. wat's more when johnathan peh said Chap3 (current chap) is like 3/4 history, everyone was like OMG! LOL. his normal lesson is alreadi like history. chap3 muz be.... history + G.P lesson de power. yeap, n it was true. tested and proven, everyone was dozing off.. all diff positions (i getta observe as i was sitting like the last 3rd row). nuff said bout sch.
after sch, went bugis to meet bernice (lucky ger.. didn't haf any classes today). n it was SHOPPPPPINNNG!! went to try YellaFella's, the french fries with special sauce. i try The Poutine (Cheese with beef sauce) yummmyyy!! ber had fries with spicy chilli crab, i kept koping the crab meat. haha.. not bad! can try. =] den we went Bugis Street, where we walk.. walk.. walk.. walk............. BOUGHT SUMTHING! walk.. walk... BOUGHT AGAIN! hahaha.. shopping.
i bought a sumthing like a formal shirt kinda style, but is quite long for $22. gd buy rite? juz agree wif me.. make me happy. lol. =D ber bought bout $40 worth of clothes, but tink she didn't realli buy sumthing she wanna. no worries, still got time! haha. i'm happy, tt's all for my cny shopping. *save save...*
erase those memories.. stop those words.. stop those tears..
haa.. emo. change of mood. ghit juz show me tis webby.. gifs u interpretation for ur name or sumthing liddat. pisser webby! haha..
1. Debbie
fucking bitch that cant teach
yells really fucking loud
that teacher is so debbie
.................wt... =.=